What Social Media Platforms Are Used The Most By Brazilians?

Social media is something present in the everyday lives of Brazilians and people all over the world. But is everyone connected on the same platforms? Are TikTok, Instagram, and other social media platforms as famous in Brazil as they are (or were) in other places? That’s what we’re going to find out today!

Facebook is still the most popular social platform used in Brazil, which can come as a surprise for social media-heavy users. Other popular websites used by Brazilians include Instagram, Youtube, Whatsapp, and Linkedin.

Today we’re giving you the top XX social media websites used by Brazilians, so if you want to know a bit more about the reasons why each of the following platforms is so popular in the country, as well as learn more on why Brazilians love social media in general so much!

1. Facebook

Facebook may sound like a pre-historical social media website for some, but it is still really popular in Brazil. According to website NapoleonCat, the numbers for January 2021 point to 150 million Brazilians active in Zuckerberg’s network, which represents an impressive 69.6% of the population.

Brazilians are among those who spend more time on social networks, with a daily total of 3:34 hours/day, according to a survey on the global digital panorama of 2019 by Hootsuite, and much of that time is dedicated to Facebook.

2. Youtube

YouTube is the second largest social network in the world in terms of number of users: more than 2 billion users are watching and sharing videos every month. Furthermore, Google’s video platform is today the second most used search engine globally.

Surprisingly, in 2019, YouTube has become the most used social network in Brazil, according to Hootsuite’s Digital 2019 survey. No less than 95% of Brazilians with internet access claimed to access YouTube. No wonder that Brazil represents the second-largest market on the social network, with 69.5 million active users, according to the World Atlas website.

3. Whatsapp

WhatsApp is undoubtedly one of Brazil’s most popular social networks, and it’s hard to find a Brazilian person who does not use the platform. Worldwide, WhatsApp has already surpassed the mark of 2 billion users, and in Brazil, there are already more than 120 million people connected to the Facebook messaging app.

It is the country’s third most used social network, with no less than 89% of Brazilian smartphone users having the app (popularly known as “Zap” in Brazil). The app changed the way people relate, which extended to how companies relate to people, and Brazilians are big fans of the app.

Brazilians are social media heavy users – Credit: Storyblocks

4. Instagram

Purchased by Facebook, Instagram has already passed the 1 billion user mark worldwide. Brazil has the third-largest base in the world, with more than 77 million active Brazilian users in the social network. Instagram – or just “Insta” as Brazilians like to call it – is the fourth favorite social network by Brazilians, as it has 99 million users, according to the Statista website.

Technically, according to the aforementioned website, there is a tie between Instagram and WhatsApp, but according to the 2021 study by Hootsuite, there are “only” 95 million Brazilian users on this network.

5. Facebook Messenger

Yeap, the Facebook messaging app is another big social media platform in Brazil. Just like WhatsApp and Apple’s iMessage, the platform also has the function of sending audios, photos, and videos, in addition to an exclusive Stories function.

Furthermore, it is a very efficient platform for companies, thanks to its features, such as bots and intelligent responses that streamline and humanize customer service. And because of its total integration with Facebook, it is estimated that Messenger has tens of millions of users in Brazil. The company, however, does not release official numbers.

The Digital 2021 report, in turn, points out that the estimated reach for ads within Facebook Messenger is 77 million users. This number, therefore, would be the total number of Brazilians who use the platform.

6. Linkedin

Amongst the most popular social media websites in Brazil is LinkedIn, considered the largest social network aimed at professionals. The platform is focused on professional contacts, that is, instead of making friends, you make work connections, in addition to participating in communities with topics of specific interest.

Currently, with 303 million users worldwide and 46 million in Brazil, the Linkedin platform is used by companies to recruit professionals in order to exchange professional experiences. However, due to the crisis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2020, many users joined the social network looking for a job.

7. Twitter

One of the most used social networks today, Twitter has 326 million users worldwide, 30 million of which are located in Brazil. In addition, according to data provided by the 2021 Digital Report, about 65.8% of all USA companies use the platform for their marketing strategies.

This is due to the fact that 77% of Twitter users say they see a brand more positively when there is organic interaction or response to their tweets. Another positive point of the platform is the constant updating of journalistic news, in addition to serving as a stage for debates on the most varied current affairs.

8. Pinterest

With 250 million active users, Pinterest is one of the most popular social networks today, with 38 million users in Brazil alone. Basically, it is a photo social network that works as a reference wall, where you can save inspirations, upload images and place links to external URLs.

Credit: Storyblocks

In short, the most popular topics are fashion, makeup, wedding-related subjects (clothes, decoration, etc.), gastronomy, architecture, gadgets, travel, design, and DIY guides. Also, the majority of the Pinterest audience is female. Finally, it is also possible to create sponsored pins that will appear more relevant in the user’s feed, making this social network a great option for companies to use as a relationship marketing strategy.

9. TikTok

Even if you’re not a Tik Toker yourself, you have most certainly seen a lot of people making Tik Tok videos around. It is definitely the new app craze. Therefore, it is also amongst the most used social networks in Brazil, with about 16.5 million users.

Known as Douyin in China, the TikTok app has 500 million users worldwide, which include teenagers, celebrities, comedians, and companies as the main users of the platform. In addition, users can have fun dancing with videos and choreographies created on the platform, amongst other things.

The Covid-19 pandemic was a big boost for TikTok, making it the fastest growing social network at the moment, mainly because it serves as a refuge, helping people have fun and distract from the pandemic.

10. Snapchat

With 287 million users worldwide and 11 million in Brazil alone, Snapchat finalizes the ranking of Brazil’s most popular social media network. In short, Snapchat is a platform that aims to provide users with the possibility to send a photo or video.

However, this picture or video only remains available for only a short period of time, as it will later disappear. Snapchat was actually the predecessor of Instagram Stories. As a result, it has lost its popularity in recent years, but it still continues to attract the interest of a new generation due to the filters and masks available on the platform.

So, what do you think about our ranking? Brazilians are big on social media and love to communicate with people from all over the world, so you have probably must have bumped into one while spending time on your favorite social media, right? So, leave us a comment and tell us how your experience was!

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Cover Photo Credit: rawpixel.com

Bruno Reguffe

What's up, everyone! I'm Bruno, and I'm a nutritionist living in Rio de Janeiro. I've been a longtime friend of Ana's, and I'm excited to help her expand on all things Brazilian with y'all, as well as sharing some of our culture and a few personal experiences while living in the country!

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